
Dear LiMing,

I am particularly delighted to hear that you have been admitted to your dreamt[dream] university. As a senior student, it is advisable for me to give you some advice that may help you adapt to university life as soon as possible. First, figure out what you really like and take it as your career goal. You will have much disposible[disposable] time to do things you like, which means a good opportunity to practice professional skills. that will help a lot in future[a lot in the future]. Second, learn some computer skills like PPT, Excel and so on[etc.], since they are frequently used in university life. I believe they will help you handle things more efficiently.

All in all, wish you get fully prepared[I wish you to be fully prepared] and embrace your university life.

Zhang Wei

Step 2: Suggestions

Vocabulary Suggestions:

  • dream -> aspiration
  • advisable -> prudent
  • good -> valuable
  • fully prepared -> well-prepared

Sentence Expression Replacement Suggestions:

  • I am particularly delighted to hear that you have been admitted to your dream university.
    “I am thrilled to learn about your admission to your desired university.”

  • As a senior student, it is advisable for me to give you some advice that may help you adapt to university life as soon as possible.
    “As a senior, I feel it is my duty to offer you some guidance to help you transition smoothly into university life.”

  • You will have much disposable time to do things you like, which means a good opportunity to practice professional skills.
    “You will have ample free time to pursue your interests, providing you with an excellent opportunity to hone your professional skills.”

  • That will help a lot in the future.
    “This will be immensely beneficial in your future endeavors.”

  • All in all, I wish you to be fully prepared and embrace your university life.
    “In conclusion, I hope you are well-prepared to embrace the exciting journey of university life.”

Refined Essay:

Dear LiMing,

I am thrilled to learn about your admission to your desired university. As a senior, I feel it is my duty to offer you some guidance to help you transition smoothly into university life. First, identify your true passions and establish them as your career goals. You will have ample free time to pursue your interests, providing you with an excellent opportunity to hone your professional skills. This will be immensely beneficial in your future endeavors.

Second, it is essential to acquire computer skills such as PowerPoint and Excel, as they are frequently utilized in university life. I believe these skills will enable you to manage tasks more effectively.

In conclusion, I hope you are well-prepared to embrace the exciting journey of university life.

Zhang Wei

文章作者: 极简
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